Whether you’re looking to buy your first home, or trading up to a larger one, there are many costs – on top of the purchase price – that you must figure into your calculation of affordability. These extra fees such as taxes and other additional costs, could surprise you with an unwanted financial nightmare on closing day if you’re not informed and prepared.

Some of these costs are one-time fixed payments, while other represent an ongoing monthly or yearly commitment. While not all of these costs will apply in every situation, it’s better to know about them ahead of time so you can budget properly.

Remember, buying a home is a major milestone, and whether it’s your first, second or tenth, there are many small but important details, not to mention stress and excitement, to deal with during the process. The last thing you need are unbudgeted financial obligations in the hours before you take possession of your new home. To help homebuyers understand what these extra costs are, and in what situations they may apply, a free industry report has been prepared called “13 Extra Costs to Be Aware of Before Buying a Home”. You can request a free copy of this report by simply clicking the learn more button below.

To make sure that we send you the right information to help you in your current situation, be sure to indicate which report you want to receive.

  • If you are planning to buy in the next 6 months or less, there are certain issues you’ll need to take action on immediately in order to avoid unnecessary costs. So if you plan to buy a home within 6 months or less, please ask for Report #1.
  • If you think it will be longer than 6 months before you buy, the issues that will affect you and the choices you can make are a little broader. So if you plan to buy a home in longer than 6 months, please ask for Report #2.
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